Sam's amnesia and more

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Whomst?..I can't seem to remember..

Sam's curse & amnesia

There was a new star in town. A man who they had thought they had killed for good. One that oddly looked like Samson, same name and everything too. The once semi-popular Enkite brothers were no longer in business or in the land of the living, atleast they were under that impression...not knowing Sam and Cedric were separated and Sam received amnesia at best. Cedric was able to swiftly evade any goons that roamed the streets, he wouldn't have easily been recognized as well anyways; given he is the younger of the two brothers. Still he played it safe as he went on his search for his older brother. Meanwhile, Sam was blind to the fact that there were people who were potential threats roaming the street. All he could really remember was that he owned a repair shop that looked rather worn out, posters of his and his brothers face were tarnished so he could never tell who the second person was that he was staring back at. He just knew he belonged there for some odd reason and treated it as a home for some time. Sam soon began to come to the cafe where Tina and co. would perform. Soon becoming a regular and somewhat of a friend of the owner, and main host, Altair. When asked if he was related to this semi-famous Samson, he would draw a blank replying no, that he's unsure of who that is but in some way appreciated that someone thought he was a celebrity, unknowing that he was infact that same man who went missing seemingly without a trace. Sam and Tina finally meet face to face when a fight breaks out in the cafe. There had been awfully rowdy customers attending the cafe for some time now, and the long awaited fight that the staff dreaded finally broke out into fruition. The fight escalated so terribly, the 7"5 singer Valentina had to step off stage and handle it herself along with the remaining staff of the night. Leading to Tina and Sam meeting, as the Kasenin got caught up in it despite minding his own business prior. As their friendship blossomed Tina would have asked something similar once, that is when they started to become closer as time went on, this time around Sam tries to think and dig through his memories only for it to cause a headache. He exclaims something along the lines that he "can't remember" and claims that he's unsure of who he truly is.
Tina and Sam's relationship develops further and soon enough he has started to make a new name for himself (unbeknownst to him) and begins occasionally performing duets with his gf/wife Valentina Valentine. Their performance together gained a lot of traction, fans not only adored their relationship but how they played off each other musically. Who knew such a little guy like him had such a powerful voice? The duo brought more attention to not only themselves but the Cafe, some even wanted to see how Sam sounded alone and that garnered him a few solo shows. Both Tina and Sam have powerful voices respectively, but when paired together they compliment one another well. This catches the attention of Cedric whose ecstatic to see what looks to be his brother, doing well. He's so excited that he does the last of his research on his brothers whereabouts to book a flight or train whatever he could to come see his brother. It wasn't like he was leaving much behind, he was a traveling salesman and had everything in his trusty briefcase (the whole shop too-). If anything Arty would stop Cedric before he leaves asking to come with him, as the musician and salesman had become great friends along the course of Cedric's stay in Arty's home town. Arty claims to want to get the chance to see new scenery for a change, which is only partly true, he just can't bare to see his one friend go for however long and wanted to be with him when he finds his long lost older brother. The two then set off within the next following days making sure they have everything, most likely consisting of Arty having to put everything he needed in Cedric's magical briefcase and popup shop (part Cedric's home)... Arty never understood how that worked did he... However he would ask another time,right now the two were heavily focused on making it to their destination and where they were going to eat since they already knew where they were staying (thanks to Cedrics enigma of a briefcase dear Lord..). When the brothers finally reunite, Sam starts to slightly recall that he worked with someone who vaguely "looked like him" but his head hurt too much to form a coherent thought, to which Cedric brought out a few photos for him to look at, even telling stories about how Sam used to be and what the two were like growing up. The last picture he shows Sam is the one he keeps on his person at all times, it is a photo of Sam as a tween and Cedric when he was a kid. It is near and Dear to the youngest brother. The two seemed to be posed for a family photo, though no parents to be seen, just the two. Which in the moment is presumed to be for whoever their parents were... Or yet.. for the two brothers specifically. This photo jogs Sam's memories the most.
The unknown illusionist in question starts to grow restless over this, planning and scheming how to make Sam's life a living hell.
Samson gets hurt on the wedding night and wakes up in bed to a stressed out Tina, with an equally stressed out Cedric.
Samson is informed that someone tried to do harm at his and Tina's wedding. Altair and the many cafe staff who attended the wedding tried their damndest to catch this person. Tina and Sam's oldest boys, Sylvester and Naira we're the first to sprint after the perpetrator. The unknown Merc/assassin was to kill or hurt Tina but Sam was too fast for them to calculate, and jumped in to protect his wife ultimately changing the course of the main villains plan; still to make Sam's life a living hell, just this time with the cost of Sam's life. This person is willing to exploit how protective Sam is of his wife. Given Sam is a Kasenin, which are sentient balls of light, Sam's light starts to fade which becomes an increasing concern as the story progresses given that if severely hurt a kasenins light can not only dim,but it can sometimes be critical but only if that light has become near dull or fully dull, if their light is just slightly dimmer than usual it's not crucial and can be easily fixed/aided.
Cedric is the first to voice his concern about his brothers dimming light, as he is also a Kasenin and would be able to give much needed information on how to aid it before it gets worse, what is needed to do if it proceeds to get worse and so on. And so it begins...